In the past, Ca cuong does not lack anything in nature. Almost in the pond, lake, Our lagoon and rice fields all have Ca cuong. Just in the evening, in water sources near the base of lampposts, Children are often able to grab large, flying ca cuongs that swoop to the ground. There are places, In one night, dozens of them were caught. In the breeding season, Ca cuong often has the habit of gathering together in a bright light (like many other insects). The males will signal to lure the female to the couple and find a suitable place to mate,…

But up to now almost extinct species of Ca cuong. Even at the high-voltage electric poles shining in the middle of the field, we can not see a "uncle" flying to. The unhappiness that has happened to Ca cuong species is due to the plant protection drugs. Ca cuong is very sensitive to pesticides. Meet any insecticide they can be killed. Yet today, Our people used too much pesticide. Everywhere sprayed, Every plant will spray, all over the field was full of the smell of pesticides. So, how can Ca cuong live! Till today, Almost Ca cuong has been wiped out in all fields. They only exist in water sources far from fields, in desolate places. Our relatives lost a delicious and delicious roasted ca cuong, tasty, pungent, just crushed, silly. That is not to mention the miraculous taste of Ca cuong essential oil. Just a drop of that essential oil is dripped into a bowl of fish sauce that the whole room is filled with aroma. Since ancient times, My father knew about this specialty.

Sorry, so far we have not been able to preserve it. So, Finding ways to raise Ca cuong is an urgent task. Many units have studied but have not given the feasible methods. But recently, The test results at Thanh Tung cricket farm showed, We can completely restore the Ca cuong herd. Moreover, We can open a new industry to provide Ca cuong for people everywhere, including exports.

Our idea is, In rural areas, it is possible to organize Ca cuong farming anywhere. The basis for raising it doesn't cost much, Food is easy to provide, the market is looking forward to it. So, This document will focus on introducing people to understand Ca cuong and can organize raising in each family..


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