Raising Ca cuong is a simple and easy job to do. Any house can organize farming. Investment for this farming is not large. Even, We can take advantage of the facilities and tools available at home to organize Ca cuong farming.

However, In order to raise Ca cuong, we need to master its biological and behavioral characteristics. The mandatory requirements for Ca cuong farming should be respected. The best, One should visit the facilities that have raised Ca cuong for further study and answer questions. One of the first and large-scale Ca cuong farms was in Thanh Tung cricket farm (stationed in Ben Do hamlet 2, Tan Phu Trung commune, Cu Chi district, Ho Chi Minh City). Here, not only people to visit, They can also buy both Ca cuong and crickets to bring home.

Raising Ca cuong is a new profession. It's simple, but it can also bring a lot of revenue. So, Why don't we get to work right away?


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