4 Chapter 3: Quotations and Offers

1. Quotations

A quotations is not an “offer” in the legal sense that it is a promise to supply goods on the terms stated. If, therefore, a seller quotes and later decides not to sell, the buyer has no legal remedy. But in practice a supplier will not risk his reputation by quoting for goods he can not or does not intend to supply.

When a seller quotes a price, he or she may or may not include other costs and changes such as transport, insurance and taxes (e.g. Value Added Taxes or VAT). Prices which include these extra costs are known as gross price; those which exclude them are known as net price.

A satisfactory quotation will include the following:

1. An expression of thanks for the inquiry

2. Details of prices, discounts and terms of payment

3. A statement or clear indication of what the prices cover (e.g. packing, FOB, CFR, CIF…)

4. An undertaking as to date of delivery

5. The period for which the quotation is valid, it will conclude with,

6. An expression of hope that the quotation will be accepted.

When asking for a quotation, the buyer must be careful to protect himself by stating clearly whether the prices are to include such additional charges as freight and insurance. Failure to do this may lead to serious disagreement, especially as these charges are heavy in foreign trade dealings.

Example 1.


Dear Sirs,

Will you please quote for the supply of approximately 100 metric tons of goods quality white poster paper suitable for general poster work.

We require that the paper retain its white appearance after being pasted on walls and shall be glad if you will state your prices, CIF Haiphong including packing.

Delivery would be required within three months of the order.

Yours faithfully,


Dear Sirs,

We thank you for your letter of 3rd March and as requested, are sending by separate cover samples of different qualities of paper suitable for poster work and quote as follows:

A.1 Quality printing paper, white:£…… per m/t

A.2“ do “:£…… per m/t

A.3“ do “:£…… per m/t

These prices should be understood to be CIF Haiphong including packing. All these papers are of good quality and quite suitable for poster work. We guarantee that they will not discolour when pasted.

We can promise delivery within three months from receiving the order and hope that you will find both samples and prices satisfactory.

Yours faithfully,

Example 2.


Dear Sirs,

you have previously supplied us with chinawares and we should be glad if you would now quote for the items named below, manufactured by Haiduong Ceramic Factory. The pattern we require is listed in your Pattern Card as 112 TD:

60,000 tea cups

60,000 tea saucers

10,000 tea plates

5,000 2-pint teapots

The prices are preferred to be CIF London including packing.

When replying, please state (1) discounts allowable (2) terms of payment and (3) earliest possible date of delivery.

Yours faithfully,

b. Quotation

Dear Sirs,

Thank you very much for your enquiry of 18th March for a further supply of ceramic and in replying we are pleased to quote a follows:

No. 112 TD, Gilt Rims

Tea cups£ 150 per thousand

Tea saucers£ 110

Tea plates£ 110

Tea pots, 2 pint£ 50per dozen

These prices are CIF London including packing but crates are charged for, with an allowance for their return in good condition.

We can deliver from stock and will allow you a discount of 5% but only on items ordered in quantities of 50,000 or more.

We hope you will find these terms satisfactory and look forward to the pleasure of your order.

Yours faithfully,

Example 3.


Dear Sirs,

We have recently received a number of requests for you light weight raincoats and have good reasons to believe that we could place regular orders with you provided your prices are competitive.

From the description in your catalogue we feel that your Lotus range is the one most suitable for our demand, and should be glad if you would send us your quotation for men’s and women’s coats, in both small and medium size, to be delivered CIF Alexandria. Provided prices are right we should place a first order for 44,000 raincoats; shipment should be required within 2 months of order.

We would particularly stress the importance of price since the market here if for mass produced goods at popular prices.

Yours faithfully,


Dear Sirs,

We thank you for your enquiry of 15th June. We were glad to receive it and to learn of the requirements you have had for our raincoats. Our Lotus range is particularly suitable for warm climates, and during the past year we have supplied this range to dealers in several tropical countries. From many of them we have now had their repeat orders. This range is popular not only because of its lightweight, but also because the material used has been specially selected.

For the quantities you mention we are pleased to quote as follows:

11,000 Lotus coats, men’s, medium£ 3 each

11,000 “ do “ small£ 2.75 each

11,000 “ do women’s medium£ 3 each

11,000 “ do “ small£ 2.50 each

These prices are CIF Alexandria including packing.

Shipment will be made within one month of receiving the order.

We feel you will be interested in some of our other products and enclose, therefore, descriptive booklets and a supply of sales literature for use with your customers.

We look forward very much to receiving your orders.

Yours faithfully,

Example 4. An Inquiry from a Retailer to a Foreign Manufacturer

a. Inquiry

Dear Sirs,

We were impressed by the selection of sweaters that were displayed on your stand at the “Menswear Exhibition” that was held in Hamburg last month.

We are a large chain of retailers and are looking for a manufacturer who could supply us with a wide range of sweaters for the teenage market.

As we usually place very large orders, we would expect a quantity discount in addition to a 20% discount off/net list prices and over terms of payment are normally 30-day bill of exchange, document against acceptance.

If these conditions interest you, and you can meet orders of over 500 garments at one time, please send us your current catalogue and price-list. We hope to hear from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

b. Reply

Dear Mr. Crane

We are pleased to receive your enquiry, and to hear that you liked our range of sweaters.

There would certainly be no trouble in supplying you from our wide selection of garments which we make for all age groups.

We can offer you the quantity discount you asked for which would be 5% off net prices for orders over £2,000, but the usual allowance for a trade discount in Italy is 15%, and we always deal on payment by sight draft, cash against documents. However, we would be prepared to review this once we have established a firm trading association with you.

Enclosed you will find our summer catalogue and price-list quoting price CIF London.

We are sure you will find a ready sale for our products in England as have other retailers throughout Europe and America, and we do hope we can reach an agreement on the terms quoted.

Thank you for your interest; we look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely

Example 5. An inquiry for goods on approval


Dear Mr. Cliff,

Thank you for your last delivery. You will be pleased to hear that the dressing tables are selling well.

A number of my customers have been asking about your bookcase and coffee table assembly kits which are listed in your Summer catalogue under KT 31, and we would like to test the demand for them. Would it be possible for me to have, say, half a dozen units of each kit, on approval, before placing a firm order?

I have enclosed an order, No. B1463, in anticipation of you agreeing, and as there is no particular hurry for the units, you could send them along with your next delivery.

Yours sincerely,

b. Reply

Dear Mr. Hughes,

It was nice to hear from you again and learn that our products are selling well in Swansea and that your customers have become interested in our new do-it-yourself range.

You can certainly have the assembly kits you asked for (Cat .No KT31), and there will be no need to wait until you receive another delivery: I will tell my representative in your country to drop them off on his next delivery to Swansea which will be on Monday .

The provisional order, No. B1463, which you enclosed will be sufficient, but would you return any part of the consignment you have not sold within two months ?

I look forward to your next order, and hope see to you when I come to Swansea in December.

Yours sincerely,

2. Quotations in Tabulated Form

Many quotations are either tabulated or given on specially prepared forms. For the tabulated quotations, it is claimed:

1. That it is clear and presents its information in a way that is readily understood.

2. That is complete since essential information is unlikely to be omitted.

The tabulated quotation is particularly suitable where there are many items. Like quotations specially prepared forms, it should be sent with a covering letter that:

1. Expresses thanks for the enquiry

2. Makes favourable comments on the goods themselves

3. Draws attention to other products likely to interest the buyer, and

4. Hopes for an order

By treating the buyer as a person worth the trouble of a letter, it creates a favourable impression and helps to build good will.

Example 1. Tabulated quotation with covering letter

Covering letter

Dear Sirs,

We thank for your enquiry of 15th August and are pleased to enclose our quotation No 5644 for leather shoes and handbags. We have indicated those items which we can deliver from stock immediately. For all the remaining items the stated dates of delivery are approximate, but in no case would these dates be exceeded by more than 3 months

All the items for which we have quoted are made from very best quality leather and can be supplied in a range of designs and colours wide enough to meet the requirements of a fashion trade such as yours.

We look forward to receiving your order and meanwhile enclose a copy of our catalogue as we feel you may be interested in some of our other products. These include leather gloves and purses, described and illustrated on pages 18-25. The catalogue will give you all facts about our goods but cannot answer all your personal questions. This we shall be glad to do if you will write to us.

Yours faithfully,

b. Tabulated quotation



20th August, 20…

Messrs Tocontap

36 Ba Trieu St.

Hanoi, SRVN

Quotation No 5644



Delivery (approx)


Price £

S. 25

Men’s box Calf shoes

15 Sept.

1,200 pairs


S. 27



3,600 “


S. 38

Ladies’ Glace kid tie Shoes (various colors)

15 Sept.

4,800 “


S. 42

Ladies’ Calf golf Court shoes

15 Oct.

2,400 “


S. 48

Ladies’ handbags


3,600 “


For acceptance within 21 days

Delivery: CIF Haiphong including packing

Payment: by Irrevocable Letter of Credit

For Central Leathercraft LTD


W. Hanson

Sales Manager

3. Offers

3.1. Writing an offer

1. An offer not only tells your customer whether you can provide the goods or services he has asked about, but also indicates what sort of firm you are; whether you are aware, conscientious, and efficient. So try to make good impressions on your customers right at the beginning.

2. Avoid opening with expressions like “we are in receipt of your enquiry” or “we hasten to reply to your esteemed enquiry of 10th inst”. Because sentences like these make you sound like a firm that should have gone out of business a century ago.

3. Do not use expressions like “it was with the utmost pleasure that we have received…” or “we deeply regret that we cannot supply you with…”, because you will appear desperate or worse, insincere. Use straight forward expressions like “we thank you”, “we would like to thank you” or “I’ am sorry that.

4. For new customers, state clearly what your product is, why he should buy it, how much it will cost and what concessions you are offering. This will convince the customers that your company is reliable and be able to handle their order smoothly.

5. Make sure that you do not leave out information and have supplied printed matters that you think will help your customers.

3.2. Offers made in writing usually state:

1. Name of the goods

2. Quality and specification

3. Quantity

4. Price

5. Packing and marking

6. Delivery time

7. Terms of payment

4. Offers may be firm of without engagement

1. A firm offer is made when the seller promises to sell the goods at a stated price, usually within a stated period of time. The promise may be express (i.e. clearly stated in words), as when it takes the form of be quotation that contains the words “For acceptance within seven days” or similar qualifying words.

Like a quotation without qualifying words, a firm offer is not legally binding, even when made expressly; but unlike a quotation, a firm offer is capable of acceptance and once it has been accepted it cannot be withdrawn. Although a firm offer is not binding until accepted, no reputable seller would risk his reputation by withdrawing his offer before the stated time.

2. An offer without engagement does not bind the seller, and therefore, may be made to several buyers. If the buyer accepts such an offer, the goods are considered to have been sold to him only when the seller, after receipt of the buyer’s acceptance, confirms having sold him the goods at the price and on the terms and conditions indicated in the offer.

Example 1. A firm offer for water-heaters

Dear Sirs,

Re: Waterman Super

We thank you very much for your inquiry dated 1 March for water-heater

Waterman Super and are very happy to offer firm until 25 March, 20….on the terms and conditions as follows :

1. Commodity: Water-heater Waterman Super

2. Specification: as per enclosed catalogue No 234/TL

3. Quantity : 1,000 units

4. Price: GBP 110 per unit CIF Haiphong including packing

5. Packing : in export customary packing .

6. Delivery : in one lot in July 20…..

7. Payment : in Pound Sterling of Great Britain by an irrevocable Letter of Credit at sight to be opened through the Bank for foreign Trade of Vietnam , Hanoi, 15 days prior to the shipment valid for 45 days to the account of Lloyd’s Bank, London, in our favour for the total value of the goods to be shipped.

8. Technical documents: Two copies of user’s manual to be supplied with each unit of goods.

9. Guarantee: 12months from use and 18 months from dispatch .

We are offering you the water-heater of very good quality and at a very competitive price in order to start our sales in Vietnam .

We look forward to having you order soon .

Yours faithfully,

Example 2. A free offer for Sweaters

Dear Mr. Okykia,

We would like to thank you very much for your inquiry of 6th May, 20… and are happy to offer you the goods you are interested in on the following terms and conditions.

1. Commodity: Sweaters for all age groups

2. Specifications: As per enclosed catalog No 246/CM. and sample sent to you by post today

3. Quantity: as required and specified in your order.

4. Price: as per attached price list and all the prices should be understood to be CIF Kobe including packing.

5. Packing: in seaworthy cartons

6. Delivery: in one lot in Mid Oct. 20….

7. Payment: in USD by an irrevocable L/C to be opened through Tokyo Commercial Bank, 15 days prior to the shipment valid for 45 days to the A/C of the Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam in our favour for the total amount of the goods to be shipper; Transshipment and reexport are not allowed.

We assure you that our sweaters are good in quality, attractive in design and competitive in prices. If your order is for 4,00 pieces or more we will give you a discount of 0.3% of the total value of the order.

In the meantime, we are looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Example 3. Confirmation of an e-mail

Dear Sirs,

We were very glad to received your enquiry of 2nd June and now confirm our email offer sent to you this morning as follows:

“ We are ofering firm until Friday M0024 at GBT 15 per 36yard piece FOB Hai phong for delivery in September 20…”

We must stress that this offer is firm for 10 days only because of the heavy demand for the limited supply of this cloth in stock.

The material is of the very finest quality. And we can assure you that so far as the quality goes, you have nothing to worry about. We feel sure that you will realize that our quoted price is very reasonable. But we are anxious to do all that we can to help you establish your new business, and are prepared to allow you a special discount of 3%.

If you decide to accept our offer, kindly cable your acceptance.

Yours faithfully,

Example 4. Firm Offer for Petroleum

Dear Sirs,

We thank you for your enquiry of 21st March concerning petroleum and wish to inform you that our samples have been sent to you by post.

We can offer you for immediate shipment, 6,000 tons of petroleum, sample A5, at the price of … per ton C.I.F Haiphong for August shipment and payment to be made by irrevocable letter of credit as usual.

As for petroleum for shipment at regular intervals during 19…. and 20… we would like to know the quantities and the time of shipment required by you and we shall be glad to send you our quotations.

Kindly cable your acceptance immediately for the present offer remains open for it within 15 days.

Yours faithfully,

Example 5. Firm Offer for Drilling Rigs

Dear Sirs,

We thank you for your enquiry of 8th Sept. for our drilling rigs Md B32. We are pleased to make you a firm offer, subject to acceptance within 21 days, for 10 machines at the price of …. per unit CIF Saigon including packing.

Payment is to be made against a Bill of Lading, an Invoice, and a Work’s Test Certificate, by an Irrevocable Letter of Credit to be opened in our favour with the Commercial Bank, London, for the full value of the goods intended for the shipment.

The machines can be dispatched within 6 month form receipt of your formal order. We enclose a list of firms whom, we have been supplying with our machines for the past few years for your reference.

Yours faithfully,

Example 6. Offer without Engagement

Dear Sirs,

We wish to inform you that we have started producing a new model of Grinding Machine DA75 in which we think you may be interested.

From the Catalogue enclosed you will see that the machine is of high efficiency, performance and is comparatively easy to handle. Most of the good points of the earlier types have been incorporated in the model.

We are pleased to offer you those machines at the price of…. per unit. The price is to be understood to be CIF Haiphong. We feel sure that our offer will be of interest and assistance to you and we shall be glad to send you further information should you require it.

This offer is made without engagement on our part.

Yours faithfully,

5. Offers in Printed Form with Covering Letters

Like tabulated quotations, printed form offers should always be sent with a covering letter that:

1. Expresses thanks for the enquiry

2. Expresses pleasure in offering

3. Makes favourable comments on the goods, or other terms

4. Draws attention to other products likely to interest the buyer, and

5. Hopes for an order.

Example 1. Printed form Offer with Covering Letter

1. Covering Letter

Dear Sirs,

We thank you very much for your enquiry of 28th March for our generators and are very pleased to enclose our offer for the said goods.

You will see that the price at which the goods are offered is very competitive. We are, therefore, confident that you will shortly place an order with us.

Yours faithfully

2. Offer



2-2 Chome, Damacho Minodashi

Chu-ku Tokyo, Japan


Telephone 663: 3171 (10 Ext), Telex: 252-2054, Code: ACME

Tokyo, 15th April, 20….

Our ref: MA 162

Your ref:

Messrs:The Vietnam National Machinary Import

and Export Corporation, Hanoi, Vietnam.

Offer No 15/3

Commodity: Generators

Manufacturer:Yammar Diesel Engine Co., Ltd.

Description of Goods

Unit price

Yammar Brand Portable

Generating Set Model YPG-80 for Industrial use

FOB Kobe

MD 22,981,000


1. This offer is valid and effective until 15th May 20… and has to be confirmed by us thereafter.

2. Shipment will be made within three (3) months after contract.




Example 2. Covering Letter and Pre-printed Offer for Blinds from Barotex Hanoi

Covering Letter

Dear Sirs,

We thank you for your enquiry of 24th Feb and enclose our offer for Blinds No TH50D and TH50DA.

We have made a good selection of patterns and sent them to you today by post; their fine quality, attractive designs and reasonable prices at which we offer them will, we hope, convince you that these blinds are really of good value. There is a heavy demand for them from our customers abroad, which we are finding difficult to meet, but provided we receive your order within the next ten days, we make you a firm offer for delivery by the middle of May at the price quoted.

On orders for one thousand pieces or more we allow a special discount of 5%.

We are looking forward to your early order.

Yours faithfully,

2. Pre-printed offer

The Vietnam Bamboo and Rattan Wares

Import & Export Company

E6 Thai Thinh Street, Hanoi-Vietnam

Cable address: BAROTEX HANOI, Phone7 Fax: 04 834 8536975

Our ref: Date: 28th Feb., 20…

Your ref:

Messrs: John & Co, Ltd.

17 Leaden hall street

London. WC1

Offer No 123/MT

Item No



Unit Price



Blinds No TH500


£ 7 per pc

August 20…


Blinds No TH50DA


£ 7,50 per pc

CIF London

Including packing

August 20…

(both in one lot)

Specification: as per samples sent to your representative

Mr. David Smith during his visit to Barotex.

Payment: By irrevocable Letter of Credit

Packing: in Export packing

Validity: Until 15 march, 20…

For Barotex Hanoi


Nghiem Van Thinh


6. Quotations and Offers not Accepted

When a buyer rejects a quotation or an offer he should write and thank the seller for his trouble and explain the reason for rejection. Not to do so would show a lack of courtesy.

The letter of rejection should cover the following points. It should:

1. Thank the seller for his offer

2. Express regret at inability to accept

3. State reasons for non-acceptance

4. Make a counter-offer if, in the circumstances, it is appropriate

5. Suggest that there may be other opportunities to do business together.

Example 1. Rejection of Offer for Cloth

Dear Sirs,

In reply to our enquiry you were good enough on 10th July to quote for the supply of a quantity of good quality cloth and sent us samples.

We thank you for trouble in this matter but as your price are much higher than those we have previously paid for cloth of the same quality, we regret not being able to give you an immediate order.

We do hope, however, to have other opportunities of doing business with you.

Yours faithfully,

Example 2. Rejection of an offer from Naforimex Hanoi

Dear Sirs,

We thank you very much for your samples and offer of the goods which our Mr. Takasa brought back here. We would like to report to you the result of our study.

1. Your samples seem to be of second and third grade. Skins of first and second grade offered from Singapore and Malaysia have no holes, neverthness your skins, if offered at competitive prices, would be of interest to us.

2. From your samples, we must say that the skinning technique appears inexperienced; skins imported from elsewhere have less flesh than yours; On the other hand, the fact that your skins are spread lengthwise is highly appreciated

3. Ordinarily, skins with width ranging from 20cm to 50cm, 30cm on average are imported at about £ 10 per piece CIF Japanese port.

4. As for the tanned skins we have no interest because of the poor tanning technique.

5. Your prices of skins marked MH 77 are about twice as much as those of the skins we normally import.

Under such circumstances it is our great regret that we are not in a position to make immediate purchase.

Thanking you for your usual kind cooperation, we remain.

Yours faithfully,

7 . Follow-up Letter

When the buyer has asked for a quotation but does not place an order or even acknowledge the quotation, it is natural for the seller to wonder why. if he is alike he will not allow the matter to rest there, but will send a follow-up letter.


Dear Sirs,

As you know there is always an immediate response from the public for a new article; The cry is always for something new and better. How true this is in the world would of medicine and preventive practice.

We know what the public response to Decaris is going to be like; Probably you do, too, but as we have not had your order card we think this must be due to the very real problem in our trade: so much to do, so little time! A new order card is, therefore, enclosed. Kindly fill in now and you will save time later.

Yours faithfully,


1. Will you please quote for the supply of approximately 10,000 tons of good writing paper.

1. Đề nghị các ngài báo giá bán khoảng 10.000 tấn giấy viết loại tốt.

2. You have previously supplied us with ceramics and we should be glad if you would now quote for the items named below manufactured by the Hai Duong Ceramics Factory.

2. Các ngài trước đây đã bán đồ sứ cho chúng tôi và chúng tôi sẽ vui mừng nếu bây giờ các ngài báo giá những mặt hàng kê dưới đây cho Nhà máy sứ Hải Dương sản xuất.

3. We shall be glad if you will state your price including delivery to our port.

3. Chúng tôi sẽ vui mừng nếu các ngài báo giá kể cả việc giao hàng đến cảng cho chúng tôi.

4. Prices quoted should be understood to be CIF Hai Phong or any othe Vietnamese ports.

4. Giá báo phải hiểu là giá CIF Hải Phòng hoặc bất kì cảng nào khác của Việt Nam.

5. Delivery would be required within 5 weeks of order.

5. Hàng phải được giao trong năm tuần kể từ ngày đặt hàng.

6. As requested we have send by post samples of different qualities of goods.

6. Theo yêu cầu chúng tôi đã gửi qua bưu điện mẫu các loại hàng có chất lượng khác nhau.

7. Crates are charged for with an allowance for their return in good condition.

7. Tiền két (hòm thưa) sẽ được trừ nếu khi trả còn tốt.

8. We will allow you a discount of 5% on orders of quantities of 150,000ps or more.

8. Chúng tôi sẽ chiết khấu cho các ngài 5% đối với những đơn hàng mua 150.000 chiếc hoặc hơn thế.

9. This offer is valid and effective until 15th may 20… and has to be confirmed by us thereafter.

9. Chào hàng này có giá trị và hiệu lực đến ngày 15 tháng 5 năm 20… và sau đó phải được chúng tôi xác nhận.

10. Provided we receive your order within the next 15 days we will make you firm offer for delivery by the middle of May.

10. Chúng tôi sẽ chào bán cố định cho các ngài giao hàng vào khoảng trung tuần tháng Năm với điều kiện chúng tôi nhận được đơn hàng của các ngài trong vòng 15 ngày tới.

11. The machines can be dispatched within 6 months upon receipt of your formal order.

11. Máy sẽ được giao trong vòng 6 tháng kể từ khi nhận được dơn hàng chính thức của các ngài

12. Kindly cable your accept-tance immediately for the present offer remains open for it within 10 days.

12. Đề nghị các ngài điện chấp nhận ngay vì chào hàng chỉ có giá trị chấp nhận trong vòng mười ngày.

13. Payment shall be made by a 100% irrevocable Letter of Credit to be opened at Moscow Narodny Bank, London, to the account of the Bank of Foreign Trade of Vietnam in favour of the seller by T.T. reimbursement.

13. Thanh toán toàn bộ bằng tín dụng thư không thể hủy ngang mở tại Ngân hàng Moscow Narodny ở Luân Đôn vào tài khoản của Ngân hàng Ngoại thương Việt Nam cho người bán được hưởng bằng điện hối.

14. We regret our inability to give you an immediate order.

14. Chúng tôi lấy làm tiếc là không thể đặt hàng ngay với các ngài được.

15. Under such circumstances it is our great regret that we are not in a position to purchase at once.

15. Trong những trường hợp như thế này chúng tôi rất tiếc là không thể mua ngay được.

For more phrases, please refer to https://test.oes.edu.vn


1. Answer the following questions

1. What should be included in a good quotation?

2. Which letter you have studied can be regarded as a satisfactory quotation?

3. What must you do to make your offer firm?

4. What do you write when you have to reject an offer?

5. What is a tender?

6. What is the difference between an offer and a tender?

7. Why is it useful to write a letter covering a printed form offer? Can we do without it?

8. What can be written in a covering letter?

2. Translate into English

1. Chúng tôi đã nhận được và xin rất cám ơn thư của các ngài đề ngày 1-12 hỏi mua apatit Lào Cai (xi măng Hoàng Thạch, dụng cụ nhà bếp, ghế mây, thảm len các loại…)

2. Trả lời thư hỏi mua lạc hộp, dứa hộp và dưa chuột hộp của các ngài đề ngày 20/10 chúng tôi rất vui mừng chào bán ba mặt hàng này với những điều kiện hết sức có lợi.

3. Chúng tôi rất vui mừng nhận được thư của các ngài đề ngày 14/11 hỏi mua dầu hồi và dầu tùng và theo yêu cầu, chúng tôi đã gửi mẫu qua bưu điện.

4. Chúng tôi xin cám ơn thư của các ngài đề ngày 8 tháng 10 hỏi mua vaseline và rất vui mừng chào bán cố định cho các ngài 1000 tấn giá mỗi tấn CIF là …. đô la chấp nhận trong vòng mười ngày.

5. Chúng tôi muốn mua 10 máy bơm X30 và 10 máy bơm loại K-25 và với số lượng này các ngài có cho chúng tôi được hưởng chiết khấu 5% không?

6. Rất tiếc chúng tôi không thể chiết khấu cho những đơn hàng mà số lượng mua nhỏ như thế. Nếu ngài vui lòng mua tổng số là 30 máy chúng tôi sẽ sẵn sàng chiết khấu cho các ngài 2,5%.

7. Chúng tôi muốn các ngài giao hàng cho chúng tôi càng sớm càng tốt nhưng không được chậm quá 1-12.

8. Vậy chúng tôi sẽ cố gắng hết sức để giao hàng cho các ngài vào trung tuần tháng 11 hoặc chậm nhất là vào cuối tháng ấy.

9. Về điều kiện thanh toán, chúng tôi đề nghị tiến hành bằng tín dụng thư không thể hủy ngang.

10. Tín dụng thư này do chúng tôi mở qua Ngân hàng Ngoại thương Việt Nam vào tài khoản của Ngân hàng thương mại Bắc âu cho các ngài được hưởng chậm nhất là 15 ngày trước chuyến hàng.

11. Chúng tôi sẽ đánh giá cao nếu các ngài giao ngay 1/2 số lượng chúng tôi đặt mua và số còn lại sẽ giao tiếp sau đó hai tuần.

3. Translate into Vietnamese

1. Dear Sirs,

As you already know, we have recently brought out a new desk-top photocopier, the TTC5, capable of automatically reproducing up to ten copies of any documents inserted. As you can see from the enclosed leaflet, the TTC5 is a remarkable machine.

There is a profit margin of £ 32 on each machine, cost price £93 retailing here in England at £125, plus a discount of 10% on all orders received before 31st May.

We strongly recommend you to place an order for TTC5 now, not only to take advantage of the special terms but to have in stock the very latest and most economically priced photocopier on the market.

We have pleasure in enclosing the TTC5 introductory offer order form and look forward to receiving your until order in the near future.

Yours faithfully,

2.Dear Sirs,

We are in receipt of your letter of 17th April introducing the TTC5 photocopier.

We have recently had the opportunity of seeing this copier in action and were quite impressed by its performance. Much as we should like to place an initial order, however, we feel that until we have substantially reduced our present stocks of your TTC4, bought on offer a year ago, we shall be unable to consider ordering the TTC5.

Yours faithfully,

4. Translate into English

Thưa các ngài,

Chúng tôi đã nhận được thư của các ngài đề ngày 4-12 trong đó các ngài hỏi mua hàng mây của chúng tôi.

Tuy nhiên, chúng tôi xin báo để quý ngài rõ là những mặt hàng mà các ngài hỏi mua, tức là làn đi chợ và đĩa đựng hoa quả, đã hết nhưng chúng tôi lại có khả năng chào báo những mặt hàng tương tự bằng tre được lựa chọn kỹ càng. Các ngài có thể thấy trong ảnh mẫu gửi kèm theo thư này các mặt hàng đánh dấu X202 và X203 đẹp hơn nhiều về hình dáng so với những mặt hàng tre thường thấy.

Hàng hóa của chúng tôi có sẵn ở nhiều cỡ tiêu chuẩn về đề tài và có thể giao hàng trong vòng 3 tháng kể từ ngày nhận đơn hàng đối với các kích cỡ, đề tài và mầu sắc khác theo yêu cầu của các ngài.

Hàng tre của chúng tôi ngày càng đẹp và hấp dẫn nhờ có quá trình kỹ thuật mà quá trình này làm cho chúng vừa bền lại vừa mang tính nghệ thuật. Do đó chúng tôi tin rằng hàng đã chào sẽ được khách hàng Anh đón nhận nồng nhiệt và bán rất chạy ở đấy.

Chúng tôi đảm bảo với các ngài rằng bất kì đơn đặt hàng nào của các ngài đặt với chúng tôi sẽ được hết sức chú ý.

Kính chào,

5. Letter writing

1.Công ty XNK tạp phẩm (The Vietnam National Sundries Import and Export Corporation) địa chỉ 36- Bà Triệu, Hà Nội; địa chỉ điện tín: TOCONTAP HANOI; Điện thoại: 84. 4.522636; Fax: 84.4252636 nhận được thư hỏi hàng của hãng M.D. Eward and Co., Ltd. ở địa chỉ Finewell House, 8 Finsbury Square, London. E.C.2 England đề ngày 16 tháng 6 năm 20… hỏi mua vợt bóng bàn kiểu VS 44TD (Table tennis Bat) vợt cầu lông (badminton) kiểu VB 50MT.

Anh/chị hãy viết thư chào hàng cố định bán vợt cầu lông đến ngày 28/6/20… theo các điều kiện thông thường, chú ý:

1. Giá vợt cầu lông 2 đô la/1 chiếc/ FOB Hải Phòng.

2. Catalogue của Tocontap số 22/95 VS

3. Giao hàng một chuyến vào tháng 8/20…

Anh/Chị cũng báo cho M.D. Eward and Co. LTD là hiện thời Tocontap chưa có vợt bóng bàn VS 44TD nhưng thay vào đó Tocontap có thể bán VS 45MH có chất lượng như vợt VS 44TD với các điều kiện tương tự như vợt cầu lông và giá là 8 USD/1 chiếc.

Thư này đề ngày 19/6/20… và do ông Nguyễn Thanh, Trưởng phòng xuất kí.

2. Liên hiệp Sản xuất và Xuất nhập khẩu Da-Giầy Việt Nam (The Vietnam Union of Production & Export – Import for Leather and Footwear), địa chỉ 26 phố Lê Đại Hành, Hà Nội, địa chỉ điện tín: LEARPRODEXIN HANOI, nhận được thư hỏi hàng số 2431 đề ngày 1 tháng 6, 20…. của Công ty TNHH Alford & Son, địa chỉ số 37, Đường Carter, Bristol, Vương quốc Anh, hỏi mua giầy da nam giới mã 306/TLd và giầy phụ nữ mã 295MT/td.

1. Anh/chị hãy viết thư đề Ngài tổng giám đốc Nguyễn Quang kí, chào bán giầy da nam giới mã 305/TD/td theo catalog đã gửi cho khách với giá CIF Briston có cả bao bì xuất khẩu là 20 đô la một đôi, giao hàng vào tháng 9, 20… và thanh toán bằng tín dụng thư không thể hủy ngang trả tiền ngay mở qua Ngân hàng Thương mại ABC, Bristol 15 ngày trước chuyến hàng có giá trị trong vòng 45 ngày vào khoản của Ngân hàng Ngoại thương Việt Nam để LEARPRODEXIN được hưởng 100% giá trị của hàng hóa sẽ được giao.

2. Riêng đối với giầy phụ nữ mã 295MT/td, LEARPRODEXIN hiện tại Liên hiệp không sản xuất nữa và thay đổi cho mặt hàng này, anh/chị hãy chào bán giầy phụ nữ mã 305TL/tdA1 thời trang hơn mà giá lại không đắt hơn 295MT/td (25,40 đôla CIF) và gửi kèm cho khách catalog mới nhất cùng bảng giá hiện hành của loại giầy này.

3. Giá và các điều kiện khác của chào hàng sẽ không thay đổi nếu khách hàng đặt mua chính thức trong vòng 15 ngày tới.

4. – Tham chiếu của Công ty TNHH Alford Son: TD/tl

– Tham chiếu của LEARPRODEXIN: NQ/mt

5. Ngày viết thư: 6 tháng 6 năm 20…




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